Some Facts (Food Choice)


FACTS: Dieter who ate half a grapefruit or drank grapefruit juice with every meal lost seven times more weight than those who didn’t.

WHY? Grapefruits’ fiber content may make dieters feel fuller. It also might help the body process food more efficiently.

TRY: Grilling or broiling slices with a little brown sugar on top, or drinking an 8-0z. glass of grapefruit juice.


FACTS: Dieters who ate three dairy servings’ daily lost 70 percent more than those who just cut cals.

WHY? Calcium may promote the breakdown of fat.

TRY: Low-fat product: Skim milk has the same amount of calcium as whole does.


FACTS: A moderately high-fat diet with nuts was better than a low-fat plan at helping people lose weight and keep it off.

WHY? The high fibre and protein content of nuts could assist in starving off hunger.

TRY: Tossing nuts into a salad or spreading peanut butter on whole-grain bread.


FACTS: People who drank tea at least once a week had 20 percent less body fat than non-tea-drinkers.

WHY? Tea may aid in fat metabolism; it also takes the place of higher-cal drinks.

TRY: Making new flavours of iced tea instead of grabbing a soda.