Life Success Depends on Breastfeeding in Infancy

The staff of the University College London said that breastfeeding increased the chances of the child to achieve a higher social status by 24% and make a successful career by 20%. The conclusion is based on the scientific analysis of the social indicators and intellectual ability of 34 thousand people.

In the process of the study, they compared the social status of the participants during the two periods of life: at the age of 10-11 years (taking into account the status of the father), and at the age of 33-34 years. Such factors as intellectual development and stress test were also taken into account.

According to the authors, breast milk helps to improve the neurological development of children, which has a positive impact on their mental abilities and reduces the risk of stress. It is not only milk that is important, but a close contact with the mother while feeding as well.

Previously, the employees of Brown University in the USA found that breastfeeding had a positive impact on the baby’s brain development. By two years, the children, who had been fed breast milk for at least three months, happened to demonstrate a rapid development of key areas of the brain associated with language skills, emotional and cognitive functions.

Breastfeeding is good not only for children, but for mothers as well. For example, the scientists at King’s College London have found that the women, who breastfeed their babies for six months, reduce the risk of dying from cancer by 10% and of heart attack and stroke – by 17%.